
Monday, 17 March 2014

Editorial Commentary - Alejandro Ordóñez

Okay. This is awkward. I didn't know this was supposed to be written down and I directly went for a podcast of myself analyzing the editorial live (which I honestly find more challenging and simply like it better). So let's just say I went the creative way.

Anyway, in case you find this is pure crap and has nothing to do with what we were supposed to do... it was just an honest mistake, so I apologize in advance.

Editorial: "Con la Reforma Fiscal ¿Vamos a pagar lo mismo o menos?" - Carlos Herrera

Me talking too much:

1 comment:

  1. Alejandro:
    When in doubt about homework (what to do) you just have to visit Aula Global and read the document “Exercises”
    I don’t mind listening to (instead of reading) your posting and I rather (of course) you have a good time posting, but I do mind you not complying with what is asked. In a few words: I enjoyed very much listening to you (you tried in fact to make an editorial commentary) but your analysis ends up being VERY poor because you have a hard time focusing on what you have to do (4 minutes!) and then you lose focus systematically (?). You make some accurate and intelligent statements but you develop none!
    You must repeat this.
    By the way… where’s your analysis of a feature? (last week’s tasks)
    Do both and let me know by mail
