“Spike Jonze’s, big data”
The feature that I’ve chosen to analyze “Spike Jonze’s Her, Big data” , a feature for BBC 3 radio station , which is one of their ongoing series on Tuesdays at 22:00 pm.
In this session, I have point out that the main feature that is developed all through the 45 minutes of show is the idea of the human relationships with the new technology and putting as example the new movie “Her” directed by Spike Jonze. The idea of having a deeper feeling of emotion towards technology, this having as example the movie “Her”, in which Theodor gets in love of his phone Samantha. All through the show there’s an interesting debate between the two main broadcasters with two different point of views.
There are a lot of elements that are used to develop the main feature, such as some real audio clips and dialogues of the movie. Also the supporting the topics with facts of big companies such as Apple that each day they try to make a more emotional device that are easier to understand the human being. More over they discuss the feature “is it possible to have a relationship with an electronic device?”
Finally there’s an interview to Ian Angell Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics, historian Tom Holland and Tom Smith in which they discuss our attitude to data past and present. They make a deep discussion about the new big data of the new media which is invading our society.
Álvaro Delgado Alonso
Better example than analysis: you're too descriptive... what's the focus of your comment? Be careful...