
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Editorial Commentary Analysis.

Analysis of an Editorial Commentary (On Marriage)

Link to commentary:

The editorial commentary I chose is part of a series of BBC Radio 4 show called "Point of View", and  it was broadcasted the 11th of February of 2011. 

In the commentary we will start hearing to the presenter introducing himself, Alan de Botton, and what we will hear in the next eleven minutes. After that, the presenter starts the commentary sharing one of his experiences in love in order to lead us to the hot point of the programme: the role of love in our lives and the situations we might have to face and deal with when you are in a relationship. 

However, the first part of the programme is quite more focus in how love is shown in literature and how, normally, love has to face several problems. How in literature there is a fascination with unrequited love and, with this, he applies the structure of love in novels to the real life, leading us to the second part of the programme in which he talks about the daily romantic life on marriage and how it's not as perfect as it is in novels, illustrating us with examples such us having different tastes, confrontations, discrepancies, etc in which the humor is key. 

He explains how, from his point of view, the representation of love in literature gives us a poor preparation for marriage, and how things are rather different when you have to live together with another person. That is when you realize the craze, the low logic of the actions of the other person; when you come to a point in which you need to be able to accept the other person as a whole. Finally the presenter sums up with the statement that marriage is never dull nor simple and that it "puts to shame the most passionate works of literature". 

So we can say that the programme's structure is divided in two parts, the first section in which he focus more on the role of love in literature, and the second section in which we can hear the application of his opinion to the real life and the comparison with literature.

The commentary ends with the presenter repeating his name, and the producer's, and giving us the link where we can find more programs, like the one we have been listening to, in case we are interesting in hearing it again or another one. 

Virginia Veros Moreno.

1 comment:

  1. nice example, very good analysis. great job!
